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Italian Uniqueness 1961/2011

The Making of a National Identity

ISBN: 9788831710053 (PB - E)

A timeline through 50 years of Italian creativity in all its various forms. The book recounts an Italy in constant evolution and presents unusual insights into the development of the industrial system, social developments, and the capacity for constant innovation of the country's dynamic system. Starting with the historical Compasso d'Oro Collection of objects of Italian design, the book tells the story of Italian creativity and production innovation between 1961 and 2011, through images ranging from documentaries and film stills to first-hand accounts, and advertising. Some 400 Italian design objects form the collection of contemporary high-quality products are not just whose reference points in the world of production, but also research, experimentation, and the contamination of languages, a highly topical theme. Enrico Morteo is an architect, critic, and historian of architecture and design. He has taught at the IUAV University in Venice and has been editorial director of «Abitare» as well as collaborating with various journals. He is an author and the presenter of TV and radio programs

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