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9782873174194 9782873174194_01 9782873174194_02
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Djos Janssens. From Beyond

Collection « Livres d'art et de photographie »

ISBN: 9782873174194 (HB - E/ F)

Djos Janssens (1964) is a Belgian artist among the most productive and ingenious of his generation. he excels in interventions in public space and public buildings. Like all works that are built into the gaps and rough edges of their time, beating fashion to create an indomitable sense of morality, something in Djos Janssens' work still eludes interpretation. it is not that criticics miss their target or that the work fails to say what it means, but rather that Djos Janssens' modus operandi forms a sort of telescopic thought (elbows and mirror periscopes, parallaxes and shifts abound in his vision devices). even his in situ interventions that question the place and its uses, do mobilize what roland Barthes called the "writerly" part of discourse which dooms it to produce and renew constantly its meanings by readings that can be made of it (and in this respect the red stripes so characteristic od Djos Janssens' works remind us of permanent construction sites). this book is the first comprehensive monograph on this artist addresses on the color register, on that of language and in terms of burlesque. First richly illustrated monograph of this major contemporary Belgian artist.

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