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9781788792455 9781788792455_01 9781788792455_02 9781788792455_03
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Nomad at Home

Designing the home more traveled

ISBN: 9781788792455 (HB - EN)

In Nomad at Home, compulsive wanderer Hilary Robertson showcases 12 unique locations and tells the stories of different nomadic tribes: the Adopters, who have left home forever and made a life elsewhere, as well as the Escapists, always on the move, with a base in two, three or maybe even four locations. Then there are the Serial Wanderers, who simply absorb the DNA of any given destination and bring it all back home; creating Provence in Pittsburgh with ingredients gathered on their travels. There are more ways than one of satisfying a wandering eye. As well as offering inspiration from homes all over the globe, Nomad at Home also contains champion shopper Hilary's nomadic sourcebook, which allows readers to hit the ground shopping in destinations all over the world, with an address book for every country covered, every story told.

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