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Eye of the Leopard

ISBN: 9780847833221 (HB - E)

"If the eye expresses life and soul and what lives inside, leopards are the eye of Africa, linked through a connective nerve directly to what this continent means and symbolizes." -Dereck Joubert National Geographic filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert have worked with dangerous wildlife in Africa for years. They have produced more than 20 award-winning films, as well as some of the most beautiful wildlife photography in existence, and their conservation efforts have included establishing game reserves and regrowing rain forests. Eye of the Leopard is a visual celebration of these beautiful cats, the country they call home, and two photographers with a lifelong passion for photographing them. Upon finding a mother leopard and her three-day-old cub, the Jouberts capture the remarkable beauty of one leopard's life and follow her gripping story as she battles to survive and complete her own life's journey into motherhood. Their documentary of the same title won them their fifth Emmy Award for Best Achievement in Science, Nature, and Technology.

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