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Bovenbouw Architectuur - Architecture office

Living the Exotic Everyday

ISBN: 9789492567130 (PB - E)

Architecture office 'Bovenbouw' presents its work in all of its variety and maps the rich world of references with which it designs. ' 'Bovenbouw' provides a look inside the variety of projects and the rich world of references of the eponymous architecture office from Antwerp. It is published on the occasion of the exhibition 'The House of the Explorer', organized by the Flanders Architecture Institute at deSingel international arts campus in the spring of 2019. The book and the exhibition act as complements to one another; autonomous, but all the richer when read together. The characteristic attitude towards design of Bovenbouw shapes the publication as well as the projects it contains; intuitively yet thought out, and with a measured dose of humour it maps an extensive frame of reference. In formulating the varied fascinations which nurture the architectural design, Dirk Somers is aided by Bart Verschaffel and Maarten Van Den Driessche. All of this abundantly illustrated by images from the architectural practice.

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