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Made of Iceland

A Drink & Draw Book

ISBN: 9781576878323 (HB - E)

Iceland is a land full of volcanoes, glaciers, geysers, and the Northern Lights, and home to a culture of inventive spirits, steeped in art, ingenuity, creativity, and a long history of storytelling. Of course, stories aren't limited to just being told with words. Just as often, stories are told with pictures. In Iceland, there is a tradition called "Drink & Draw," where bar patrons enjoy a cocktail and draw a sketch based on a particular theme. The sketches are then collected and published in small booklets. Reyka Vodka has produced this book to showcase its homeland through a collection of drawings doodled while enjoying a cocktail, and then photographed by Icelandic photographer Snorri Sturluson. Icelandic culture is celebrated through the drawings and through a look at different elements that are uniquely Icelandic-from the music and art, to the food, folklore, and natural beauty that make Iceland, well, Iceland.

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