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A Bike Snob Abroad

Strange customs, ncredible Fiets, and the QSuest for Cycling Paradise

ISBN: 9781452105253 (HB - E)

Bike Snob is all grown up! After two books and thousands of miles under his tires, Bike Snob is back with a book that takes his family on the road - 2 year old son in tow - on an international cycling adventure into the wild and tweedy bike-share lanes of London, the Bakfiet equipped cycling utopia of Amsterdam and the back roads of Switzerland and Italy. But all roads lead home eventually, and the Snob takes a close look at the state of American cycling after a decade of advocacy, infrastructure development and backlash have frankensteined us into some semblance of a bike-friendly nation. But is it working? With humorous anecdotes and his trademark biting wit and wisdom, Bike Snob takes us on his most personal narrative journey yet and ultimately shines a light on the growing-pains that exist in any culture that asks the two-wheeled, four-wheeled and smartphone-text-happy pedestrians to share the road.

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