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9781954081420 9781954081420_01 9781954081420_02 9781954081420_03 9781954081420_05
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The Landscape Project

ISBN: 9781954081420 (PB - EN)

- A collection of essays by the landscape architecture faculty at the Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania - Topics such as food, biodiversity, water, plants, energy, public space, politics, mapping, practice, and representation - Serves as essential reading for students and professionals wishing to engage with the full scope of today's landscape The Landscape Project is a collection of essays by the landscape architecture faculty at the Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania, long considered a leading institution in the field of landscape architecture. This collection covers topics such as food, biodiversity, water, plants, energy, public space, politics, mapping, practice, and representation and serves as essential reading for students and professionals wishing to engage with the full scope of today's landscape. These essays radically expand the purview of landscape architecture.

All Credited Contributors: RICHARD WELLER FREDERICK STEINER - SEAN BURKHOLDER - CHRISTOPHER MARCINKOSKI - SARAH A. WILLIG - KAREN M'CLOSKEY - KEITH VANDERSYS - SONJA DÜMPELMANN .- REBECCA POPOWSKY - SARAI WILLIAMS - LUCINDA SANDERS - BILLY FLEMING - JAMES BILLINGSLEY - ROBERT GERARD PIETRUSKO - ELLEN NEISES - MATTHIJS BOUW - VALERIO MORABITO - NICHOLAS PEVZNER - DAVID GOUVENEUR - TATUM L. HANDS Richard J. Weller is the M-eyerson Chair of Urbanism and professor and chair of Landscape Architecture and executive director of the McHarg Center at the University of Pennsylvania. He has published eight books and over 120 single-authored academic papers. He is also creative director of the interdisciplinary journal of landscape architecture LA+ Journal. Dr. Tatum L. Hands is a lecturer and editor-in-chief of LA+ Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania.

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