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9781576879535 9781576879535_01 9781576879535_02 9781576879535_03 9781576879535_04
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Peter Mendelsund

ISBN: 9781576879535 (PB - E)

Peter Mendelsund has enjoyed years as a much-sought-after book cover designer and art director. Among the many recognisable jackets he has created are those for the US editions of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; collections of the works of Joyce, Kafka, Dostoevsky, de Beauvoir, and Foucault; the contemporary works of Martin Amis, Tom McCarthy, Ben Marcus, Jo Nesbo, and James Gleick; and many more. All have greatly benefitted from the care and touch Mendelsund gave them. Cover abounds with Mendelsund's completed book jackets along with ephemera from his previously unseen creative method, including jacket sketches, interior art and editorial illustrations, and scores of rejected drafts. These images are punctuated by Mendelsund's reflections on his work and his process, as well as by texts from writers with whom he has worked and designed for. Cover is a compendium of beautiful design and a beautiful design object itself; a profile and celebration of one of the publishing world's most talented and prolific contemporary creators, and a brilliant showcase of his deft touch for balanced and innovative design.

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